Kaspersky total security phone number
Kaspersky total security phone number

kaspersky total security phone number

You can change your auto-renewal settings before then to avoid being charged from your My Account page.

kaspersky total security phone number

Payment will be taken 30 days before your subscription renews.If the renewal price changes, we will notify you in advance using the email address you provided at registration, so you always know what’s going on. The new price will apply when your subscription renews. Introductory offer: Unless otherwise stated, if an introductory price is shown, it describes the lower price offered to you, as a new customer, for the first term of the subscription and the price currently paid by existing customers upon renewal of their subscription for a subsequent year at the time that the offer is made.We will contact you using the email address you provide when you register ahead of the renewal date, so you can decide whether to keep your subscription going or not.After that, unless you choose to cancel your subscription, it will renew automatically for another term and you will be charged the renewal subscription price in effect at the time of your renewal.​ The amount you are charged upon purchase is the price of the first term of your subscription.

Kaspersky total security phone number